While everyone agrees that the workplace, business practices and industry in general are all changing at warp speed – largely due to the rapid pace of technological advances – what many fail to fully recognize is that Generation Xers are the drivers and glue that have stabilized corporations during this ongoing transition.

While millennials get a lot of press, Gen Xers (those born between 1965 and 1981) are the first generation to grow up attached to a keyboard and even today uses social media and shops on line more consistently than any other group. Who better to bridge the gap between the institutionalized -knowledge held by the Baby Boomers and the Free-Wheeling, Tech hungry Millennials? Nielsen reports that Gen X uses social media 40 minutes more each week than Millennials and are more likely to stay on the phone at the dinner table and spend more time on every type of device. The good news is that they are also comfortable bringing this connectivity into the workplace. As a result, recent studies show that Gen X has stepped up and is playing a critical leadership role as companies navigate toward increasing dependence on technology. CNBC.com studied 25,000 leaders in 54 countries, covering 26 industry sectors and found that Gen X accounts for 51 percent of leadership roles globally. Averaging 20 years of work experience, this group is primed to ascend into key executive rolls over the next several years.

Armed with varied and proven expertise, the 360 Business Coach staff of Gen Xers bring this mindset to the table when coaching clients: whether connecting with other Gen Xers or others who need the unique experiences of the staff and flexible skill set that comes natural to many Xers. Connect with 360 Business Coach today so that we can begin exploring ways that we can help drive innovation and productivity in your company